As well as informing you about the risks of working with asbestos, the course will deliver a lot more information about: Recognising asbestos, where it’s used, minimising the risks and the legislation about working with asbestos.
This short course provides you with an introduction to fire doors in the workplace and why they play an important part in fire safety planning. It’ll also look at the different types of fire doors and importance of fire door maintenance.
This short course provides you with an introduction to Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, otherwise known as HAVS. You will learn about the symptoms and consequences of the disorder along with the risks, responsibilities and laws.
This short course provides you with an introduction to hot work, the hazards associated with it and controls that can be put in place to minimise these hazards.
This short course provides a detailed exploration into ladder safety. You will learn about the different types of ladders, how to check and secure a ladder, and what a competent person looks at during a ladder inspection along with the laws that govern ladder safety.
This short course provides you with an introduction to the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998, otherwise known as LOLER.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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